Lookie here, I've been tagged! Kim at Kim's Cottage sent me this cutie pie award, and now it's my turn to spread some linkie love and pass it on to others :o)
The rules that go along with the award are to answer the following questions with one word answers ... then pass it on to 7 other bloggers.
Oh dear ... I did all the work and the only part of the instructions that my brain actually processed was the part that said "7 other bloggers." Dang! I just now found the phrase "one word answers" and, um, it's too late to change them (actually, it's 4:15 am and my insomnia's wearing off for the evening). So, if you're a purist about this sort of thing, feel free to mentally-insert-a-bunch-of-hyphens-between-the-multiple-words-and-make-it-all onebigword ... if, of course, that makes you feel better :o)
As always, I write in the spirit of Mark Twain, who said something along the lines of: "I would have written a shorter story, but I didn't have the time."
1. Where is your cell phone? Next to the bed, I use it as my alarm clock
2. Where is your significant other? Asleep, but he left my light on ;-)
3. Your hair color? um ... black? dark brown? It was Hussy Red until a couple months ago, and now it's a dark vampish brown ... though it might actually be that crappy-gray looking color that keeps growing out at the roots the moment I look the other way
4. Your mother? One of those crazy ladies with a houseful of cats
5. Your father? Elusive, but definitely no longer with us
6. Your favorite thing? Home, family, travel
7. Your dream last night? Dunno
8. Your dream/goal? World peace, global education & literacy, universal health care
9. The room you're in? Living room
10. Your hobby? Travel, cooking, thrifting, reading, photography
11. Your fear? Reinstatement of the draft/losing my sons in an unjust war
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Puttering in my garden
13. Where were you last night? Last night as in "before midnight" or last night as in Monday night?
14. What you're not? Transparent, in any sense of the word
15. One of your wish list items? An old-fashioned wife to do all the chores
16. Where you grew up? S.F. Bay Area
17. The last thing you did? Answered #s 1 to 16
18. What are you wearing? Rhinestone-studded tank top
19. Your tv? I need assistance to do more than change the channel
20. Your pet? Peeve
21. Your computer? Overworked
22. Your mood? Contented
23. Missing someone? My grandmother who raised me
24. Your car? Still filled with boxes from my August trip to the Pacific NW
25. Something you're not wearing? Bra (well, you asked ...)
26. Favorite store? Ranch 99 Market ... it's like a fieldtrip to Asia
27. Your summer? Hot
28. Love someone? Eternally
29. Your favorite color? Blue&White
30. When was the last time you laughed? During dinner
31. Last time you cried? When I realized I had to send this to 7 {holy moly, seven?!?} people
These are the Lucky 7 I'm passing this award on to ... sooner or later, I'm sure they'll forgive me :o)
~ Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams, who has the perfect mate for Lulu, My Chalkware Dog