File this one under stupid but true ...
This is a picture of Ray during our road trip last summer. He's standing on top of the dam at Shasta Lake, in northern California. And the person who can't measure -- or figure out the LARGE & OBVIOUS things in life -- is me, not Ray.
I thought Ray was being a smart ass by standing so close to a humongous sign that clearly states Keep Back 1000 Feet. And that's why I took the picture.
I gave no thought to the fact that the top of the dam is maybe 30 to 50 feet wide, at the most. It's a two-lane road. I really thought he wasn't supposed to be standing there. That huge sign is painted on the far side of one of the two towers in the photo below.
And the worst part? I figured it out less than 2 weeks ago, when we were looking through these photos together and I realized that the sign is intended for boats on the lake, which are required to remain at least 50 feet away from the dam and the spillway.
As always, Ray rocks ... proven by the fact that he didn't point this out to me, but waited patiently for almost 3 months, until the little light came on in my head all by itself. He's one hell of a guy, and he'll assure you it's been great to have been married for 49 years ... that's 24 and a half years each.
Have a great weekend, y'all!
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