Happy Pink Saturday! This is a bit late in the day for you early risers and East coast types, but it's far better than missing out altogether like I did last weekend, when we spent Saturday on an airplane and I was too tired to write a pink post when we arrived in Canada.
This week's Pink Saturday contains some shots taken since we arrived in Vancouver, a week ago today. Immediately after clearing customs and picking up a rental car, we drove straight to Best Buy in Richmond (not far from the airport) to pick up my new camera, which I had ordered online right before we left home. You may recall that I forgot my camera in Los Angeles a few days before Thanksgiving, and that I was mildly nuts until I got it back. Several days later, I laid the camera on the console in my truck, and when I stopped to make a lefthand turn, it slid right into an uncovered glass of iced tea ... damn! It was pretty funny, but it ruined the camera and I had to buy a new one.
I did a little price-checking online, and learned that the latest upgrade to my sweet silver Canon now comes in pink ... uh huh, darling adorable metallic pink. I was feeling too lazy to fight the Christmas shopping crowds before leaving town, so I checked the Canadian Best Buy website and discovered a special package deal that included a FREE pink leather carrying case that's not even available in the States. With the current great exchange rate, I bought the camera and case for less than the camera alone would have cost at home. I took a picture of the box, because I can't take a picture of the camera with the camera, if you know what I mean. The free case is sitting on top of the box.
It's a great camera and I'm loving it so far. In less than a week, I've taken more than 500 photos. I have some cool pink ones to share today, to give you an idea of what I've been up to lately.
Last Sunday, while Ray was catching up on sleep, I went out junking. My first stop was an awesome estate sale, where I saw this retro plastic lamp:
It was the final day of the sale, and everything was 50% off. I could have gotten the lamp for less than $5.00 USD (U.S. Dollars), but it wouldn't fit into my suitcase and wasn't worth the cost and bother of shipping it home. Even so, it would have been fun to sell on eBay, along with the ceramic cats.
I'm going to write a separate post on the estate sale, since I got a lot of great stuff. Until then, here's a pic of some of the pink things I bought:
1960's greeting cards and lovely handmade doilies
After the estate sale, I went to the Retro Design & Antiques Fair. I bought some 1950's barkcloth that had been made into slipcovers for sofa seat cushions and throw pillows ... they'll be in my eBay store when it reopens after Christmas. There were a couple other things I would have bought if I didn't have to fly home, including a gorgeous pink hobnail lamp and a mid-century pink metal toy truck.
Another great lamp, and I love the swan vases, too. Prices are Canadian ... USD price is approximately 75% of the tag price. Super bargains at first glance, but not when adding on the cost of shipping or paying for an extra suitcase (and worrying about breakage).
Isn't this the sweetest truck? This one is large, about 6" tall and more than 12" long. Although toy trucks were mainly made for boys, pastel ones were produced for springtime, when they were filled with Easter candy and wrapped in cellophane for display and sale.
It's been overcast and rainy here almost every day, and there was snow on Friday (yesterday) that didn't stick. Thursday, however, had bright blue skies and lots of sunshine, so we headed out beyond the 'burbs to visit some antique malls in smaller towns in the Fraser River Valley, including Maple Ridge and Fort Langley, both of which are about 40 km outside Vancouver. I'll post about both of these later, but have a few special pink pics from the Fort Langley Antiques Mall for today:
I really liked this metal rack for displaying cups and saucers, and had never seen one like it. The saucer stands up in a plate holder/shelf, and the cup hangs in front of it from a matching hook. Very sweet and shabby, and designed for four cup-and-saucer sets. The pegboard it's displayed on is a soft creamy yellow, but didn't come out that way in the pictures.
Another booth in the same mall had a lot of painted lamps and candlesticks, with and without crystal trim. The shabby chic white ones would look great in my house:
Look at the sweet baby angel in the plastic shell ...
Another cute cherub for a guest room or bath.
Check out the the classic molding on the pink ceramic lamp. I thought the two pastel pink lamps were a matched set until I edited the photo.
It's hard looking at so many pretty -- and affordable -- things and not being able to bring any of them home. But, as Ray always says, you can admire a Picasso without having to own one ...
Cheers from chilly Vancouver!
Victoria :o)
Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Be sure to stop by for a full list of this week's participants, and to find out how to join the fun.