Savers ... dear sweet Savers ... oh how I LOVE shopping at Savers ...
If I recall correctly, there are 5 or 6 Savers in the Phoenix metro area. 1 each in Austin and El Paso. A fabulous Savers in Milpitas, and another in San Jose. 3 in the Portland metro area, and another just across the state line in Vancouver, WA. 2 stores in Vancouver, BC (in Canada, they're called Value Village), and another 3 or 4 within spitting distance in the Vancouver burbs. There's even a Savers in Anchorage, Alaska. I've been to all of these -- and many others -- and I faithfully visit them whenever I'm in their neck of the woods.
Why oh why won't Savers come to Bakersfield? Or at least somewhere less than 300 miles from the lonely southern end of the San Joaquin Valley?
Savers is my all-time favorite thrift store chain. They started as Value Village in San Francisco in 1954, the year before I was born, and their Richmond, California store was my family's thrift store of choice during the Kennedy years. And then Value Village quietly disappeared from my life, only to be rediscovered as Savers 4 or 5 years ago, on a trip to Phoenix. It's been true love ever since.
Savers is a great place to shop, with a different colored-tag special each day of the week. They offer over-55 discounts, have wonderful half-off sales, and almost always have a coupon available or a punch card for earning shopping dollars. I've literally filled my truck on vacations that take me near a Savers store. My husband buys his ties there, and loves Savers as much as I do ... sometime soon I'll do a post on his crazy and quirky ties :o)
Here's some info taken directly from the Savers website. Please take the time to check them out, they're a wonderful company that contributes daily to making the world a better -- and greener -- place for all of us.