Sunday, November 30 ... the final day of NaBloPoMo - National Blog Posting Month - 2008.
I met my goal of posting to my blog at least once a day during the entire month of November. Easy-peasy, if housework, clean clothes, and hot meals are low priorities. I wonder how the NaNoWriMo I-can-write-a-novel-in-a-month folks are doing ...
The weekend after Thanksgiving is traditionally spent shopping, eating leftovers, and watching football, which means there's a good chance not many people are going to read this post. I thought I'd take advantage of the lull and slip in a meme to fill the space, and to make myself smile.
If you like this meme and want to participate, please consider yourself tagged. How easy is that, huh?
My Other Names Meme
1. Witness Protection Name: mother’s & father’s middle names
Marilyn Lee
2. NASCAR Name: first name of your mother’s dad, father’s dad
Jack Mac
3. Your Rock Star Name: first pet and current street name
Inky Road
4. Your Movie Star Name: grandfather/mother on your mother's side and favorite candy
Alice Truffles
5. Your Detective Name: favorite color and favorite animal
Blue Flamingo
6. Your Soap Opera Name: middle name and city where you were born
Claire Richmond
7. Your Star Wars Name: first 3 letters of your last name, first 3 letters of your middle name, and first 3 letters of your first name
Smi Cla Vic
8. Jedi Name: middle name backwards and your mom's/mother-in-law's maiden name backwards
Erialc Notlaw
9. Porn Name: favorite pet and street you grew up on
Kitty Bellingham
10. Superhero Name: "The" and your favorite colour and favorite drink
The Blue Corona
11. Fly Name: First 2 letters of your first name, last 2 letters of your last name